Cic., Pro Sulla, 62


Editor: F.Russo


Ac ne haec quidem P. Sullae mihi videtur silentio praetereunda esse virtus, quod, cum ab hoc illa colonia deducta sit, et cum commoda colonorum a fortunis Pompeianorum rei publicae fortuna diiunxerit, ita carus utrisque est atque iucundus ut non alteros demovisse sed utrosque constituisse videatur.
(KASTEN 1949)

Translation: “The virtue of Publius Sulla should not be passed over in silence either; indeed, though that colony was originally settled by him, and though the circumstances have separated the interests of the settlers from the fortunes of the native citizens of Pompeii, he is still so much appreciated and beloved by both parties, that he seems not so much to have removed the one party, as to have settled both of them in that country.” (F.Russo)

Dating: 62 BC (LO CASCIO 1996)

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