Editor: N.Rafetseder


[I]mp(eratori) Caes(ari) G(aio) Valerio
[D]ịọcletiano Pio Fel(ici),
[in]v(icto) Aug(usto), pontif(ici) max(imo)
[tr]ib(unicia) pot(estate), co(n)s(uli) II, p(atri) p(atriae), proco(n)s(uli),
res p(ublica) Panhorm(itanorum) d(evota) n(umini) m(aiestati)q(ue) eius, d(ecreto) d(ecurionum).
(Bivona 1970)

Translation: “To Emperor Caesar Gaius Valerius Diocletianus Pius Felix, invincible Augustus, pontifex maximus, holding the tribunicia potestas, consul for the second time, pater patriae, proconsul, [dedicated by] the res publica of the Panhormitani, devoted to his divine power and majesty, by decree of the decurions”. (N.Rafetseder)

Find Spot: Palermo, via Celso

Support: limestone plaque (h. 55 x l. 56,5)

Inv. No./Current location: Palermo, Museo Archeologico Regionale Antonino Salinas, no. 3524

Dating: 285 AD (Bivona 1970)

Bibliography: CIL X, 7282, EDR137833; EDCS22000868; TM491784; ISic0024; Last Statues of Antiquity (LSA), 2067 (engl.transl.); L.BIVONA, Iscrizioni latine lapidarie del Museo di Palermo, Palermo 1970, 41, no. 24, tav. XVIII (photo); M.TH.RAEPSAET-CHARLIER, A propos du récent catalogue d’inscriptions latines du musée de Palerme, Latomus 33, 1974, 124-127, 126; K.ZIEGLER, s.v. Panormos, RE XVIII.3, 1983, 666; L.BIVONA, Panormo romana in età imperiale. La documentazione epigrafica, Kokalos 33, 1987, 257-274, 263; G.MANGANARO, La Sicilia da Sesto Pompeo a Diocleziano, ANRW II.11.1, Berlin-New York 1988, 3-89, 85; R.J.A.WILSON, Towns of Sicily during the Roman Empire, ANRW II.11.1, Berlin-New York 1988, 90-206, 158; P.PORENA, Le origini della prefettura del pretorio tardoantica, Roma 2012, 113; O.TRIBULATO, Language and Linguistic Contact in Ancient Sicily, Cambridge 2012, 350; L.PFUNTNER, Celebrating the Severans: Commemorative Politics and the Urban Landscape in High Imperial Sicily, Latomus 75.2, 2016, 434-456, 454.