Cic. In Verrem, 2.2.122

Editor: D.Espinosa Espinosa


Halaesini pro multis ac magnis suis maiorumque suorum in rem publicam nostram meritis atque beneficiis suo iure nuper, Lucio Licinio Quinto Mucio consulibus, cum haberent inter se controuersias de senatu cooptando, leges ab senatu nostro petiuerunt. Decreuit senatus honorifico senatus consulto ut iis C. Claudius Appi filius Pulcher praetor de senatu cooptando leges conscriberet. C. Claudius, adhibitis omnibus Marcellis qui tum erant, de eorum sententia leges Halaesinis dedit, in quibus multa sanxit de aetate hominum, ne qui minor xxx annis natus, de quaestu, quem qui fecisset ne legeretur, de censu, de ceteris rebus: quae omnia ante istum praetorem et nostrorum magistratuum auctoritate et Halaesinorum summa uoluntate ualuerunt. Ab isto et praeco, qui uoluit, illum ordinem pretio mercatus est, et pueri annorum senum septenumque denum senatorium nomen nundinati sunt; et quod Halaesini, antiquissimi et fidelissimi socii atque amici, Romae impetrarant, ut apud se ne suffragiis quidem fieri liceret, id pretio ut fieri posset effecit.

(H.DE LA VILLE DE MIRMONT, Les Belles Lettres, 1960)

Translation: “The inhabitants of Halaesa, in return for the many and important merits and services provided by themselves and their ancestors to our res publica, recently, during the consulship of L. Licinius [i.e. Crassus] and Q. Mucius [i.e. Scaevola], have requested leges from our Senate by using their right, as they had disputes among themselves about the admission to their senate. The Senate decreed, by means of an honorific senatus consultum, that the praetor C. Claudius Pulcher, son of Appius, would draw up leges about the admission to their senate. C. Claudius, having summoned all the Marcelli who were then alive, with their advice gave leges to the inhabitants of Halaesa, in which he laid down many provisions concerning the age of the men who might be enlisted – that no one might be under thirty years of age –, the gainful occupation (de quaestu) – that no one engaged in it might be appointed –, the patrimonial capacity (de censu) and other issues. All these provisions, before that one [i.e. Verres] became praetor, were in place thank to the command (auctoritate) of our magistrates and the highest will of the inhabitants of Halaesa. From that one [i.e. Verres] even a crier who wished it gained that condition for money, and boys of sixteen and seventeen years old purchased the designation of senator; and that which the inhabitants of Halaesa, very old and faithful allies and friends, had obtained in Rome, that even with the votes (suffragiis) they were not allowed to carry it out, [i.e. Verres] succeeded in making it happen in exchange for remuneration”. (D.Espinosa Espinosa)

Dating: 95 BC

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