Titus Livius, 38, 36, 7-9.


Editor: F. Reali


De Formianis Fundanisque municipibus et Arpinatibus C. Valerius Tappo tribunus plebis promulgavit, ut iis suffragii latio — nam antea sine suffragio habuerant civitatem — esset. [8] Huic rogationi quattuor tribuni plebis, quia non ex auctoritate senatus ferretur, cum intercederent, edocti  populi esse, non senatus ius suffragium, quibus uelit, impertire, destiterunt incepto. [9] Rogatio perlata est, ut in Aemilia tribu Formiani et Fundani, in Cornelia Arpinates ferrent; atque in his tribubus tum primum ex Valerio plebiscito censi sunt.

Edition: Weissenborn – Müller 19722

Translation: “Regarding the municipes of Formiae and Fundi and the inhabitants of Arpinum, the tribune of the plebs C. Valerius Tappo proposed that they should be given voting rights ‒ for previously they had had citizenship without voting rights. [8] When four tribunes of the plebs opposed this proposition since it was not brought forward according to the authority of the Senate, once they apprised of the fact that it was the people, not the Senate, to have the right to bestow voting rights on whomever it wanted, they gave up the effort. [9] The bill was carried out so that the Formiani and Fundani should vote in the Aemilia, and the Arpinates in the Cornelia; and in these tribes they were then registered for the first time according to the Valerian plebiscite”. (F. Reali)

Dating: 188 BC

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