Cic. In Verrem, 2.3.105


Editor: S.Borgese



De Aetnensibus perpauca dicam; dixerunt enim ipsi priore actione publice. Memoria tenetis Artemidorum Aetnensem, legationis eius principem, publice dicere Apronium uenisse Aetnam cum Ueneriis; uocasse ad se magistratus, imperasse ut in foro sibi medio lecti sternerentur, etc.

(H.DE LA VILLE DE MIRMONT, Les Belles Lettres, 1960)


Translation: “About the inhabitants of Aetna I will say very little; in fact they have officially talked about their things during the first debate. You [i.e. judges] will remember that Artemidorus of Aetna, head of that embassy, publicly said that Apronio had gone to Aetna with slaves of Venus; that he had summoned the magistrates to him and ordered that couches be prepared for him to feast in the midst of the forum, etc.”. (S.Borgese)


Dating: 73-71 BC


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