Editor: L.Cappelletti




         [ἐπὶ – – – – – – Ἀφροδίται ?]

col.I ἀγορανόμοι

         Ἀπολλόδωρος Νυμφοδώρου

         Ἡράκλειος Ἡρακλείου Σαλ.

5       τριακάδαρχοι

         Φιλιστίων Νικάνδρου

         Νύμφων Λυσία

         Διονύσιος Ἵππωνος

         Νίκων Νίκωνος

10     Ἕλωρις Ἡρακλείδα

         Θεόδωρος Εὐφραίου

         Εὐκλῆς Φιλάρχου

col.II Ἀριστόμαχος [․․․]ΙΙΥ[․․]ΙΙ

          Νίκων Νυμφοδώρου

          γραμματεὺς καὶ

5        φρ̣αδατὴρ

          Ἀρχάγαθος Ἀρχαγάθου


       [Σ]ῶσις Παυσανία

       Ἀντικράτης Ἀρτέμωνος

10   κᾶρυξ

       Εὐφραῖος Εὐφραίου


          [ – – – – – – – ]

       (Pugliese Carratelli 1956)



Translation: “[In the year of office of – – -, to the goddess Aphrodite (dedicated)?], the agoranomoi Apollodoros  son of Nymphodoros, Herakleios son of Herakleios Sal., the triakadarchoi Philistion son of Nikandros, Nymphon son of Lysias, Dionysios son of Ippon, Nikon son of Nikon, Heloris son of Herakleidas, Theodoros son of Euphraios, Eukles son of Philarchos, Aristomachos [- – -], Nikon son of Nymphodoros,  the grammateus and phradater Archagathos son of Archagathos, the hypographees Sosis son of Pausanias, Antikrates son of Artemon, the karyx Euphraios son of Euphraios, the hyperetas [- – -]”. (L.Cappelletti)


Find Spot: Palazzolo Acreide (Syracuse)


Support: marble base


No./Current location: lost


Dating: 2nd cent. BC (EDR154596 et alii); 3rd-2nd cent. BC (IG XIV 212)


Bibliography: IG XIV 212; CIG III. 5427; SGDI III.1, 3242; EDCS-3910218; PHI175418; PHI140511; TM492660; EDR154596; ISic001032; G.PUGLIESE CARRATELLI, Silloge delle epigrafi acrensi, in: L.Bernabò Brea (ed.), Akrai, Catania 1956, 151-181, 156-157 no. 8; L.BERNABÒ BREA, Il tempio di Afrodite di Akrai, Napoli 1986; L.DUBOIS, Inscriptions Grecques Dialectales de Sicile. Contribution à l’étude du vocabulaire grec colonial, I, Genève 1989, 116-117 no. 110; F.CORDANO, Le istituzioni delle città greche di Sicilia nelle fonti epigrafiche, in: M.I.Gulletta (ed.), Sicilia Epigraphica, Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Erice, 15-18 ottobre 1998, Pisa 1999, 149-158, 154, 157; J.R.W.PRAG, Ciceronian Sicily: The Epigraphic Dimension, in: J.Dubouloz – S.Pittia, La Sicile de Cicéron. Lectures des Verrines, Actes du Colloque de Paris, 19-20 mai 2006, Besançon 2007, 245-271, 256 nt. 52, 258; A.BRUGNONE, Divinità femminili ad Akrai, in: T.Alfieri Tonini – S.Struffolino (eds.), Dinamiche culturali ed etniche nella Sicilia Orientale, Atti del Convegno di Studi, Milano, 19-20 settembre 2013, Aristonothos. Scritti per il Mediterraneo antico, Quaderni 4, 2014, Trento 2014, 114-126; J.R.W.PRAG, Cities and civic life in late Hellenistic Roman Sicily, CCG 25, 2014, 165-208, 173 nt. 32; F.CORDANO, Registrazioni anagrafiche nella Sicilia orientale, Mediterraneo Antico 21, 2018, 111-118; L.CAPPELLETTI, Sacerdozi eponimi di Sicilia: il caso siracusano, Athenaeum 108.2, 2020, 357-374, 368 nt. 41.